Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Loving Your Child by Zig Ziglar


As a young father, my mother frequently said to me, "Your children more attention pay to what you do than what you say."  She also repeatedly said that if you "set the example, you won't need to make many rules."  Later in life I heard someone else say that rules without a relationship lead to rebellion.  I believe the statements my mother made, combined with the other one, can lay the basis for a marvelous relationship and the raising of positive, morally sound, successful youngsters in our racist, sexist, and violent society of today.
My friend, Dr. Jay Strack, says that “When you repeatedly express your acceptance of your child, you are giving that child the knowledge that you really do love him or her and that's what gives them that all-important sense of security.”  He points out that when you express your appreciation for your child, you're giving him or her a feeling and sense of significance which, obviously, is tremendously confidence-building.  When your child sees that you pay attention to your mate and to your employer, as well as to adults of your acquaintance, they make the association that these other people are important, so when you make yourself available to your child for conversation and activities, that very availability gives your child a feeling of importance.   
Dr. Strack also points out that when you demonstrate genuine parental affection on a regular basis with hugs, pats and motherly or fatherly kisses, you're letting them know they are loveable.
To sum this up, when you give your child a feeling of security, significance and importance, and the knowledge that he or she is loveable, your child who is going to be secure, confident, loving and grateful. That's a pretty good start on life.  Take those steps and I'll SEE YOU - and your child - AT THE TOP!                                                ------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                     Zig Ziglar is known as America’s Motivator.  He authored 32 books and produced numerous training programs.  He will be remembered as a man who lived out his faith daily.

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